Facebook Ad CTA Button Options

This is what you’ve been looking for. The complete, no BS, list of Facebook ad CTA buttons! Just a simple bulleted list organized by ad type. You’re welcome!
Facebook Ad CTA

This is what you’ve been looking for. The complete, no BS, list of Facebook ad CTA buttons! Just a simple bulleted list organized by ad type. You’re welcome!

Awareness Ads CTA Button Options

There are two types of Awareness ads and the Facebook Ads CTA button options vary for each.

Brand Awareness

  • No Button
  • Apply Now
  • Contact Us
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  • Listen Now
  • Send Message

Reach Facebook Ads CTA

  • No Button
  • Apply Now
  • Book Now
  • Call Now
  • Contact Us
  • Download
  • Get Directions
  • Get Showtimes
  • Learn More

Consideration Ads CTA Button Options

There are six primary types of Consideration ads and the CTA button options vary for each.

Traffic Facebook Ads CTA

  • No Button
  • Book Now
  • Contact Us
  • Donate Now
  • Download
  • Get Showtimes
  • Learn More
  • Listen Now
  • Request Time

Engagement – Post Engagement

  • Like
  • Comment
  • Share
  • Page Like

Engagement – Page Like

  • Page Like

Engagement – Event Responses

  • Interested

App Installs Facebook Ads CTA

  • Install Now
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  • Listen Now
  • Play Game
  • Show Now
  • Sign Up
  • Wach More
  • Use App
  • Book Now

Video Views

  • Get Showtimes
  • Learn More
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  • Shop Now
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  • Book Now
  • Download

Lead Gen

  • Apply Now
  • Download
  • Get Quote
  • Learn More
  • Sign Up
  • Subscribe


  • Contact Us
  • Donate Now
  • Get Showtimes
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  • Send Message
  • See Menu
  • Shop Now
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Conversion Ads CTA Button Options

There are three types of Conversion ads and the Facebook Ad CTA button options vary for each.


  • No Button
  • Donate Now
  • Download
  • Get Showtimes
  • Learn More
  • Listen Now
  • Request Time
  • See Menu
  • Shop Now

Store Visits

  • Get Directions
  • Like
  • Comment
  • Share

Product Catalog Sales

  • Image Click (the images themselves are the CTA)
  • Like
  • Comment
  • Share

If you found this list helpful, please share with your followers on social media. Feel free to link to this page on your blog or website.

Contact Tell Me Your Goal for more information about Facebook Ad CTA and other digital marketing services such as Website Design, Search Engine Optimization, Paid Ads Management, Social Media Marketing, and many more.